TopView® version 7.3.1 Release

TopView® version 7.3.1 Release

July 26, 2024

OPC/SCADA ● OPC A&E ● PI ● SQL Events ● SQL Lookup ● MQTT ● PerfMon

See the release notes for a full list of changes included in this version

SCADA Connect is now SCADA Sync

SCADA Connect was designed to simplify the configuration of TopView with many popular SCADA/HMI packages.

Initial TopView configuration can be completed by importing the alarm details from the SCADA/HMI including alarm tags and alarm detection, descriptions/messages, priorities, bi-directional acknowledge, and alarm groups/areas.

SCADA Connect is not involved with the connection between TopView and the SCADA. The name has been changed to SCADA Sync to more accurately reflect its use.

Outgoing voice calls: speech recognition (experimental)

Speech recognition can be enabled to allow phone call recipients to speak words instead of pressing keys on the phone.

Each of the phone keys is mapped to one or more words. If a word is spoken and recognized during the call, TopView will perform the function of the corresponding phone key.

SCADA Sync (previously SCADA Connect)

SCADA Sync is used to import SCADA alarms into a TopView Engine configuration

HMI Sync (alarm tag import): TopView 7.2 release introduced a new HMI Sync UI for some of the supported SCADA systems.
This new UI is now the default for all supported SCADA systems. The new UI will now be used for:
Citect/Plant SCADA, FactoryTalk View SE HMI tags and RSView, FactoryTalk View Controller/PLC and RSLinx, WinCC v7, ClearSCADA/GeoSCADA

Web Configurator

Changes and additions include

  • Improved cross-site forgery protection.
  • Minimum Password length reverted back to 8 characters.
  • Alarm report monitor now shows a summary of how a report is configured.
  • HTTPS Certificates may now be installed and obtained from the certificate store
  • A search bar for the web configurator app has been added. The scope of this feature is currently limited to pages that are available on a fresh install.

Pushover notification: Acknowledge without using the TopView Message Receiver

TopView 7.2 added support for Pushover and allows Pushover users to acknowledge an alarm through the received Pushover message. This acknowledgement posted a message from the recipient Pushover app to the TopView Message Receiver Service on the TopView machine. Because the TopView machine is not public, enabling this feature required the user to configure a reverse proxy server to route the public message to the TopView machine.

Each sent Pushover message has a unique ID that can be used by TopView to periodically query the Pushover server to see if the message has been acknowledged. This allows TopView to see an acknowledgement without requiring a post back to TopView through a public URL.

TopView OPC: Alternate host name/IP for Server Alias

TopView uses an OPC Server Alias as a single name that defines the OPC server host/IP machine and the name/progID of the OPC server.

When implementing TopView failover/redundancy, a single OPC Server Alias may be shared between the two TopView machines. If redundant OPC Servers also exist, the desire may be for each machine to use a different OPC server host. Previously, the workaround was to create hosts file entries on each TopView machine to direct the host name to the desired OPC Server IP address.

An OPC Server Alias can now define a primary host and an alternate host. The alternate host will only be used by the backup/failover TopView machine.

Scheduled Alarm Reports: New report execution options

Previous versions of TopView supported a single periodic execution.
The following report executions are now available:

  • Periodic: run at a time interval starting at a specific time of day. The time interval should be <= 1 day (1440 minutes)
  • Daily: run once per day and a specific time. This is the same behavior as periodic with a 1 day interval.
  • Weekly: run once per week on a specific day and time
  • Monthly: run at an offset to/from the start or end of the month

Email: Google OAUTH (“Sign in with Google”)

This release adds support for Google OAUTH’s newer granular permissions.

Now Google OAUTH sign-in successful authentication with TopView depends on whether or not the user has approved email access. If the user does not approve that access, TopView will warn the user that it’s necessary if they want to use this account for email.

More information:

See the release notes for a full list of changes included in this version