TopView® version 6.20.4 Release

TopView® version 6.20.4 Release

TopView OPC/SCADA ● TopView PI ● TopView for Canary Labs ● TopView SQL ● TopView PerfMon

Exele Information Systems, Inc.
Phone: +1 585-385-9740

See the release notes for a full list of changes included in this release

SNMP Trap Alarm messages

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the dominant protocol in network management.  SNMP Traps are unsolicited alarm messages sent by devices (agents) on the network to an SNMP Manager within an IT monitoring infrastructure.

TopView can now act as an SNMP agent that can send SNMP Trap messages for TopView alarms.
TopView’s implementation of SNMP Traps includes:

  • Support for SMTP Trap version 1 and 2c
  • Fully customized SNMP Trap message content based on current alarm information (tags, values, alarm message, ….)
  • Detailed logging of the content and success of each sent SNMP Trap message
  • Ability to enable/disable SNMP Traps per alarm
  • Templating of SNMP Trap message content (define once and inherit by multiple alarms)
  • Threaded sending of SNMP Trap messages without interruption or delay to core alarm engine tasks
  • An SNMP Trap Manager to test receiving of SNMP Trap messages from TopView
  • Performance Counters and TopView Status Tags to monitor number of SNMP Trap messages queued, sent, and failed


The OPC-DA (Data Access) specification presents reading and writing current tag values. OPC-HDA (historical data access) presents current historical data and historical aggregates.

In previous version of TopView, support for OPC included OPC-DA (Data Access) only which allows TopView to monitor current tag values.  Many data historian vendors present both OPC-DA and OPC-HDA and TopView is able to use the OPC-DA interface to monitor current tag values. Other historian vendors only provide OPC-HDA which prevented use of TopView OPC to monitor current tag values.

TopView OPC now supports OPC-HDA Servers. Current tag values are monitored by requesting the most recent value at/before current time plus a configurable offset.

Support for OPC-HDA allows TopView to operate as an alarm management and alarm notification engine for the GE Proficy Historian and the Kepware Local Historian.

Unique Redundancy/Fail-over heartbeat for primary and failover

Each TopView Configuration allows one or two health output points (signals/tags that are updated while TopView Engine is running).  Each heartbeat output can now specify a host computer, allowing the TopView Engine to have separate health output points based on the computer running the TopView engine (primary/failover).

Alarm Limits and Notification Settings Screen: UI updates

The Alarm Limits and Notification Settings screen includes the following UI updates:

  • A tag list now appears at the left side of the screen. Users can navigate between tags using the tag dropdown at the top of the screen (available in previous versions) or the new tag list.
  • The tag list can be filtered by Tag Group allowing users to focus on the setting for specific categories of tags
  • The screen is now resizable