TopView® version 6.16 Release
TopView OPC/SCADA ● TopView PI ● TopView SQL ● TopView for Canary Labs TopView PerfMon
Exele Information Systems, Inc.
Phone: +1 585-385-9740
TopView for Canary Labs
TopView for Canary Labs provides an integrated solution to the growing need for alarm management, notification, and alerting capabilities based on data within the Canary Labs Enterprise Historian
Through a collaborative effort, Exele and Canary Labs developed an interface allowing the data in the historian to be directly monitored by TopView. This interface allows Canary Labs customers to access the full set of alarm management and notification features available in TopView.
TopView EventHooks
Capture and handle TopView events including custom notification
TopView EventHooks are user-written plug-in modules that can receive events from the TopView Engine. Events include alarm events, tag value updates, log message events, report events, and notification events.
The user/programmer can decide which events are of interest, can be informed of new events and the event details as they occur, and can use this information to perform tasks not currently offered with TopView.
Some possible uses of EventHooks include
- Custom notifications (e.g. web or cloud service)
- Alarm logging to Oracle or MySQL (TopView supports SQL Server)
- Custom communication to a SCADA system when an alarm becomes active and returns to normal
New TopView Status Tags/Performance Counters
TopView Status Tags and TopView Performance Counters provide information about each running instance of the TopView Engine. The status information can be monitored like any other tag including the ability to configure alarm limits and notifications.
The following status tags/performance counters have been added:
- tag_read_mseconds: number of milliseconds to read all tag values during the last refresh
- process_memory_private_bytes: memory usage (bytes) of the TopView Engine process (Process.PrivateMemorySize64)
- process_memory_workingset_bytes: memory usage (bytes) of the TopView Engine process (Process.WorkingSet64)
Custom date/time placeholder formatting
TopView uses a default format for displaying the result of the five date/time placeholders
(%acktime%, %currenttime%, %timestamp%, %toa%, and %tor%)
In existing TopView versions, the user can override this default format by providing a global custom date/time format (Global Options…Format)
Now, the user can also provide a custom format as part of the placeholder by appending :format to the placeholder. Example: %timestamp:M/d/yy HH:mm%
A format provided as part of the placeholder will override any other date/time formats.