Contacts, Schedules & Notification Groups
Adjusting Notification Settings The TopView Contacts, Schedules, Global Settings desktop application allows easy access to the global notification settings for TopView. Note: this desktop application runs on the TopView machine. You can also edit global notification settings using the desktop Configurator or Web Configurator. Notifications settings that can be edited in this application include: Contacts Schedules Notification [...]
Admin Tools
Admin Tools Providing detailed monitoring of running TopView Alarm and Notification Engine instances. Using TopView Admin Tools, the user can view the current operating status, current values and alarms, Audible Alarms settings, HTML Snapshot Reports, and all log files (application, alarms, and notification) Admin Tools also monitors: Data server connections TopView performance information Outgoing notifications [...]
Configurator (web)
Configurator (web) The primary configuration tool for TopView is the desktop Configurator that runs on the same machine as TopView. While powerful for configuration tasks, the desktop application cannot be easily deployed on remote machines and is difficult to embed within HMIs. The TopView Web Configurator is a web-based configuration tool designed to address some [...]
Configurator (desktop)
Configurator (desktop) The TopView Configurator (desktop) runs on the TopView machine and provides access to all TopView configuration information. Note: TopView also includes a web-based Configurator The primary use of the Configurator is to create TopView Engine configuration files. Each configuration file defines the points/tags, operations (calculations), alarm conditions, and notification settings for one instance of the [...]
TopView Applications
TopView Applications TopView contains four main applications that are installed and used on the TopView computer, as well as a remote application for access on networked computers and devices. TopView also provides a web application to allow networked computers and devices to view TopView Engine information on a web browser. Select a component for more [...]
Mobile & Remote Access
Mobile & Remote Access TopView offers multiple options for remotely accessing TopView and acknowledging alarms: Clients: Remote access using Remote Viewer client for Windows desktop Web Viewer client for devices and browsers Mobile Web App for mobile devices and browsers Remote Acknowledgement of alarms through Email and SMS Outgoing voice calls TopView clients: Remote Viewer [...]
Alarm RSS Feeds
Alarm RSS Feeds What is RSS? RSS is a method for distributing information updates over the web. An RSS feed is an XML file hosted on a web server. The contents of the XML file are one or more items that describe the information to be distributed. Many common uses of RSS feeds are blog entries, new items, and videos. [...]
Alarm SNMP Traps
Alarm SNMP Traps The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the dominant protocol in network management. SNMP Traps are unsolicited alarm messages sent by devices (agents) on the network to an SNMP Manager within an IT monitoring infrastructure. Send process alarms as SNMP Traps TopView can act as an SNMP agent that sends SNMP Trap messages [...]
Snapshot Output (file/SQL)
Snapshot Output (file/SQL) TopView’s Snapshot Output provides current TopView state information (“Snapshot”) in a format that can be accessed by external applications. This includes all current tag information, values, and alarm details. The Snapshot Output can be a flat file (CSV/JSON) and/or SQL Server table (Snapshot table) For each monitored point, the Snapshot Output contains: [...]