Do more with you existing process data.
Our software products allow users to do more with their existing process data. Many companies collect, store and display their process data, but they miss out on the additional value their data offer in the way of analysis. These are the companies that can benefit from the Exele suite of tools. TopView monitors data from unexpected events. Calculation Engines allow users to derive calculated results – additional data – from their process measurement data. These and other software products from Exele offer the value you might be missing.

Alarm Management, Notification, and Remote Monitoring
Alarm Management and Analytics, Alarm Notification, and Remote Monitoring for OPC/SCADA, PI, Canary Labs, SQL (OLEDB/ODBC), and Windows Performance (PerfMon).

DataGate Data Diode
The DataGate Data Diode allows organizations to transfer data from one domain to another while maintaining perimeter security. Best of all, it has been designed and optimized for OSIsoft PI and OPC systems, making it easy to install, configure, and maintain

Advanced VB.Net Calculation engine for PI
EDICTvb.Net™ is a process calculation framework for OSI-PI and Rockwell Factory Talk Historian (FTH) data.

Advanced Process Calculation engine for OPC
Solid performance, unmatched flexibility, and reliable results are why some of the world’s largest companies reliably use Exele’s process calculation products.

Archive usage and compression analysis for OSISoft PI
Allows PI System Administrators to easily identify “noisy” tags and to tune the tags and PI archive through changes to tag compression settings.

OPCDA and OPCHDA Test Tool
Free Software to test local and remote OPC Servers. Connections, tag/item browsing, read and write values, read aggregates, and more.