Exele Newsletter March 2017
TopView 6.26 with PI AF Support
Alarm and Notification Software for OPC/SCADA, OSIsoft PI, OPC A&E, SQL , Canary Labs, and PerfMon
Version highlights:
- PIAF support
- Alarm Time Zones
- Notification Settings API
- Enhanced Change History Reports
- Performance Improvements
CEMS Incident Tracking, Flare Reporting, GHG Reporting
PI-DAS Continuous Emissions Monitoring & Reporting
Improved CEMS based Incident Tracking
Exele’s PI-DAS makes it easy to list, categorize and annotate CEMS exceedances and downtimes. The latest version of the Annotation Application provides aggregation of contiguous incidents making it easier than ever to apply the same attributions and annotations to incident groups. PI-DAS stores all incidents and their associated information in the PI archive.
Streamlined Refinery Flare Reporting
Exele has streamlined Flare Reporting for compliance with California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD Rule) 1118. Flare events and monitoring outages are detected and graphically displayed. The events can be reviewed and modified prior to report preparation. Missing data procedures are applied as necessary and submission ready reports are generated.
PI based GHG Reporting
A Refinery Greenhouse Gas calculation and reporting package is under development. The PI archive, Asset Framework, and Event Frames are used to support visualization of periods of unit operation and monitoring outages in preparation for the automatic calculation of GHG emissions. Audit data is generated for use by third party verifiers.
Learn more about PI-DAS Emissions Reporting…
OPCcalc and EDICTvb.Net 4.4
Calculation software for OPC and OSIsoft PI
Version highlights:
- Equation Editor improvements
- Automatic equation library backup
- Recalculation logging level
Improved Phone Call-out Alarm Notification with VOIP
With the possibility of process or equipment alarms, pump failures, or other critical process issues, waste water treatment plant alarm monitoring is a 24/7 requirement.
In the past year Cypress Ridge converted their hardwired TAPI-based telephone alarm notification system to use TopView’s Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) notification channel.
OSIsoft Users Conference 2017
March 20-23, 2017 in San Francisco
Exele will be exhibiting at the OSIsoft Users Conference in San Francisco this month.
Check out our entry into OSIsoft’s Visualizaton Hackathon, a graphical EventMap for analyzing Event Frames.
Come visit us at the OSIsoft 2017 Users Conference to learn more about all of our latest projects and product updates.
The Archers Paradox
How do you shoot around the bow? With a long bow the string pushes the arrow. Some of that push is translated into forward motion on the part of the arrow. The rest causes the arrow to bend sideways, into an arch. As it flies, the arrow keeps bending one way and another around the center line of its flight.