TopView® version 6.22.1 Release

TopView® version 6.22.1 Release

August 19, 2015

TopView OPC/SCADA ● TopView PI ● TopView for Canary Labs ● TopView SQL ● TopView PerfMon

Exele Information Systems, Inc.
Phone: +1 585-385-9740

See the release notes for a full list of changes included in this release

Updated behavior for bad Server connections and reconnections

The TopView Engine can now successfully start up without valid Server connections and will also attempt to minimize disruptions caused by internal restarts once the lost Servers are reconnected.  Users with multiple data Servers per TopView Engine will encounter fewer disruptions to active alarms for good data Servers caused by lost/restored connections to other data Servers within the same TopView Engine.

“Disable alarm” action added to TopView alarm log

The TopView alarm log contains a history of alarm events. These events are stored to alarm log files and an optional SQL Server alarm table. Each alarm event in the log includes details such as alarm start time and end time, alarm message, and time of acknowledge.

If an active alarm is disabled by the user from the TopView Engine Window or Remote Viewer client, the alarm returns to normal and the alarm end time is set. In previous versions or TopView, the disable action was not included in the alarm history or alarm reports.

The action of disabling an active alarm is now logged to the TopView alarm log files and optional SQL Server alarm table. This information is available to alarm history queries including interactive/scheduled alarm reports and alarm history searches from the Remote Viewer desktop client.

Remote Viewer: Alarm History and Alarm Analytics for ALL node (multiple TopView Engines)

The ALL node in the Remote Viewer provides a unified view of values and alarms from multiple TopView Engines. In previous versions, the user could query alarm history for a single TopView Engine but not from the ALL node.

The user can now query alarm history and perform alarm analytics from the ALL node.

Changes to support ALL node alarm history include:

  • Alarm history filter: Engine filter added
  • Alarm history columns : Engine column added. User can show/hide this column.
  • Ad-hoc Alarm reports columns: Engine column added. User can show/hide this column.
  • Alarm analytics: tag Engine name displayed for alarm event details per tag

Common TopView Engine Summary display in Configurator, Admin Tools, and TopView Information Icon

The TopView Configurator, Admin Tools, and Information Icon contain a summary of the running TopView Engines. This summary includes engine name, tag/point count, active alarm count, engine state, last refresh time, data source, and Service y/n. This summary display is now common to all three applications.

HTML Snapshot Reports: format updated

The appearance of the HTML Snapshot Reports has been updated. The most noticeable change is the appearance of narrow format Snapshot Reports for mobile devices.

SMTP Email: option to encode as UTF-8 instead of ASCII

When TopView communicates to the SMTP Server it encodes the messages into a byte stream. Previous TopView versions always used ASCII encoding which could cause errors for certain languages (e.g. Chinese). Although the default is still ASCII, the TopView Global Options allows the user to select UTF-8 encoding instead of ASCII for installations that previously encountered errors.