Featured Products
EXELE is a consulting and software engineering company that provides value-added applications used in real-time process control.
Alarms &
Exele’s TopView® software is a powerful yet easy-to-configure alarm management, alarm notification, and remote monitoring tool for process and automation data, databases, system performance & network ping response data.
The DataGate Data Diode allows organizations to transfer data from one domain to another while maintaining perimeter security. It has been designed and optimized for OSIsoft PI and OPC systems, making it easy to install, configure, and maintain.
PI-DAS provides flexible solutions for your data-intensive, process-related environmental compliance requirements whether they be driven by CFR 40, Parts 60 and 75, Title V with reasons/actions and EDR, MACT, Southern California RECLAIM and/or other similar regulations.
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Industries Served
Exele provides software products, consulting, and software engineering for a variety of industries.
To find out more read our product stories.